Ihre Suche "Public guided tour through Villa Esche" erzielte 12 Treffer.
02.2025 Alle 30. Pianosalon Villa Esche Freitag, 14.02.2025, 20:00 Uhr Tickets Öffentliche Führung Villa Esche Henry van de Veldes Entwurf für das Leben Villa Esche Sonntag, 16.02.2025, 10:30 Uhr Tickets Familienführung durch die Villa Esche Ein Lebensraum als Gesamtkunstwerk - Familienführung für Groß und Klein Villa Esche Donnerstag, 20.02.2025, 14:00 [...] Führung Villa Esche Henry van de Veldes Entwurf für das Leben Villa Esche Freitag, 21.02.2025, 14:00 Uhr Tickets Öffentliche Führung Villa Esche NUR NOCH TAGESKASSE - Henry van de Veldes Entwurf für das Leben Villa Esche Samstag, 22.02.2025, 13:00 Uhr ausverkauft zum Veranstaltungskalender Für Besucher Museum Für Veranstalter Villa Esche heute Geschichte [...] Newsletter Aktuelles English public guided tour through Villa Esche During our tour of Villa Esche, you will experience not only a visit to the Henry van de Velde museum, but also enter additional spaces, such as the former gentlemen's room, the mansard and the attic. Furthermore, you will visit the two cabinet exhibitions on the Esche family and company, as
Public guided tour through Villa Esche
Veranstaltung am Samstag, 27.12.2025, 14:00 UhrDuring our tour of Villa Esche, you will experience not only a visit to the Henry van de Velde museum, but also enter additional spaces, such as the former gentlemen's room, the mansard and the attic. Furthermore, you will visit the two cabinet exhibitions on the Esche family and company, as well as gain insight to the restoration of Villa Esche. We provide [...] provide an exciting and enlightening overview of: - The history of its creation, construction and architecture - The history of the Esche family and company - Henry van de Velde as the designer of Villa Esche and a key figure of Classical Modernism - Facts and stories around the restoration of the building - The current use of the ensemble
Public guided tour through Villa Esche
Veranstaltung am Samstag, 29.11.2025, 16:00 UhrDuring our tour of Villa Esche, you will experience not only a visit to the Henry van de Velde museum, but also enter additional spaces, such as the former gentlemen's room, the mansard and the attic. Furthermore, you will visit the two cabinet exhibitions on the Esche family and company, as well as gain insight to the restoration of Villa Esche. We provide [...] provide an exciting and enlightening overview of: - The history of its creation, construction and architecture - The history of the Esche family and company - Henry van de Velde as the designer of Villa Esche and a key figure of Classical Modernism - Facts and stories around the restoration of the building - The current use of the ensemble
Public guided tour through Villa Esche
Veranstaltung am Samstag, 01.11.2025, 14:30 UhrDuring our tour of Villa Esche, you will experience not only a visit to the Henry van de Velde museum, but also enter additional spaces, such as the former gentlemen's room, the mansard and the attic. Furthermore, you will visit the two cabinet exhibitions on the Esche family and company, as well as gain insight to the restoration of Villa Esche. We provide [...] provide an exciting and enlightening overview of: - The history of its creation, construction and architecture - The history of the Esche family and company - Henry van de Velde as the designer of Villa Esche and a key figure of Classical Modernism - Facts and stories around the restoration of the building - The current use of the ensemble
Public guided tour through Villa Esche
Veranstaltung am Freitag, 03.10.2025, 16:00 UhrDuring our tour of Villa Esche, you will experience not only a visit to the Henry van de Velde museum, but also enter additional spaces, such as the former gentlemen's room, the mansard and the attic. Furthermore, you will visit the two cabinet exhibitions on the Esche family and company, as well as gain insight to the restoration of Villa Esche. We provide [...] provide an exciting and enlightening overview of: - The history of its creation, construction and architecture - The history of the Esche family and company - Henry van de Velde as the designer of Villa Esche and a key figure of Classical Modernism - Facts and stories around the restoration of the building - The current use of the ensemble
Public guided tour through Villa Esche
Veranstaltung am Donnerstag, 11.09.2025, 15:30 UhrDuring our tour of Villa Esche, you will experience not only a visit to the Henry van de Velde museum, but also enter additional spaces, such as the former gentlemen's room, the mansard and the attic. Furthermore, you will visit the two cabinet exhibitions on the Esche family and company, as well as gain insight to the restoration of Villa Esche. We provide [...] provide an exciting and enlightening overview of: - The history of its creation, construction and architecture - The history of the Esche family and company - Henry van de Velde as the designer of Villa Esche and a key figure of Classical Modernism - Facts and stories around the restoration of the building - The current use of the ensemble
Public guided tour through Villa Esche
Veranstaltung am Donnerstag, 14.08.2025, 14:00 UhrDuring our tour of Villa Esche, you will experience not only a visit to the Henry van de Velde museum, but also enter additional spaces, such as the former gentlemen's room, the mansard and the attic. Furthermore, you will visit the two cabinet exhibitions on the Esche family and company, as well as gain insight to the restoration of Villa Esche. We provide [...] provide an exciting and enlightening overview of: - The history of its creation, construction and architecture - The history of the Esche family and company - Henry van de Velde as the designer of Villa Esche and a key figure of Classical Modernism - Facts and stories around the restoration of the building - The current use of the ensemble
Public guided tour through Villa Esche
Veranstaltung am Sonntag, 01.06.2025, 14:30 UhrDuring our tour of Villa Esche, you will experience not only a visit to the Henry van de Velde museum, but also enter additional spaces, such as the former gentlemen's room, the mansard and the attic. Furthermore, you will visit the two cabinet exhibitions on the Esche family and company, as well as gain insight to the restoration of Villa Esche. We provide [...] provide an exciting and enlightening overview of: - The history of its creation, construction and architecture - The history of the Esche family and company - Henry van de Velde as the designer of Villa Esche and a key figure of Classical Modernism - Facts and stories around the restoration of the building - The current use of the ensemble
Public guided tour through Villa Esche
Veranstaltung am Sonntag, 11.05.2025, 13:00 UhrDuring our tour of Villa Esche, you will experience not only a visit to the Henry van de Velde museum, but also enter additional spaces, such as the former gentlemen's room, the mansard and the attic. Furthermore, you will visit the two cabinet exhibitions on the Esche family and company, as well as gain insight to the restoration of Villa Esche. We provide [...] provide an exciting and enlightening overview of: - The history of its creation, construction and architecture - The history of the Esche family and company - Henry van de Velde as the designer of Villa Esche and a key figure of Classical Modernism - Facts and stories around the restoration of the building - The current use of the ensemble
Public guided tour through Villa Esche
Veranstaltung am Samstag, 19.04.2025, 14:00 UhrDuring our tour of Villa Esche, you will experience not only a visit to the Henry van de Velde museum, but also enter additional spaces, such as the former gentlemen's room, the mansard and the attic. Furthermore, you will visit the two cabinet exhibitions on the Esche family and company, as well as gain insight to the restoration of Villa Esche. We provide [...] provide an exciting and enlightening overview of: - The history of its creation, construction and architecture - The history of the Esche family and company - Henry van de Velde as the designer of Villa Esche and a key figure of Classical Modernism - Facts and stories around the restoration of the building - The current use of the ensemble
Public guided tour through Villa Esche
Veranstaltung am Samstag, 08.03.2025, 14:30 UhrDuring our tour of Villa Esche, you will experience not only a visit to the Henry van de Velde museum, but also enter additional spaces, such as the former gentlemen's room, the mansard and the attic. Furthermore, you will visit the two cabinet exhibitions on the Esche family and company, as well as gain insight to the restoration of Villa Esche. We provide [...] provide an exciting and enlightening overview of: - The history of its creation, construction and architecture - The history of the Esche family and company - Henry van de Velde as the designer of Villa Esche and a key figure of Classical Modernism - Facts and stories around the restoration of the building - The current use of the ensemble
Englischsprachige Führungen durch die Villa Esche
Pressemeldung 16.01.2025die Villa Esche ihren besonderen Platz in der Geschichte der Klassischen Moderne und lädt Gäste aus aller Welt ein, die Villa und die Stadt Chemnitz zu entdecken. Führung: Public guided tour through Villa Esche – A gesamtkunstwerk of architecture, interiors and parkland as a „blueprint of living“ 19. Januar 2025 | 10.30 Uhr & 13.00 Uhr | Villa Esche [...] Geschichte von Familie und Firma Esche sowie auf die sorgfältige Restaurierung der Villa ein. Die englischsprachigen Führungen vermitteln einen aufschlussreichen Überblick über: • Entstehungsgeschichte/Baugeschichte/Architektur • Geschichte der Familie und Firma Esche • Henry van de Velde als Gestalter der Villa Esche und Protagonist der Klassischen [...] Anlässlich des Europäischen Kulturhauptstadtjahres erweitert die Villa Esche ihr Angebot: Ab dem 19. Januar können Besucher die einzigartige Geschichte und Architektur des Gesamtkunstwerks bei öffentlichen Führungen auch in englischer Sprache erleben. Dieses neue Angebot richtet sich insbesondere an die internationalen Gäste, die im Rahmen des Kult